About Us
We are Franciscans!
As Sisters of St. Francis, we embrace the Gospel way of life. We accept the challenge Jesus first gave Francis of Assisi, “Go, rebuild my Church.” Under the patronage of Mary Immaculate, we open ourselves to the Spirit of God at work within us. Following the example of our foundress, Mother Alfred Moes, we are women religious who take risks, assume new tasks and devote new energies as we seek out those in need and share our lives with them.
We are Women of Prayer
As women of prayer, we follow the command of Jesus to “pray always and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1). Formed in the spirituality of Francis and Clare, prayer and contemplation permeate every aspect of our evangelical life. As a Eucharistic community, we respond to God’s call to holiness with gratitude and generosity. Uniting our prayers with those of our sisters and brothers throughout the world, we enter into the mystery of the Spirit of God at work within us.
We are Sisters in Community
As Sisters in community, we commit ourselves to living with and for one another in shared faith, common hope and mutual love. We treasure one another as we share our possessions and talents, our joys, our sorrows, our ideals, our very selves.
We are Disciples in Mission
As disciples in mission, we believe that who we are is as important as what we do. Embracing our vocation as ecclesial women, we continue the traditional ministries entrusted to us by the Church by means of personal witness, direct service and sponsorship. With Gospel vision, we respond to the contemporary needs of the People of God as we oppose, without compromise, all forms of injustice and creatively shape new ministries of presence, advocacy and spiritual renewal.
Third Order Rule found on the International Franciscan Conference of the Sisters and Brothers of the Third Order Regular.
Read about theThird Order Secular Rule found on the Secular Franciscan Order site under “Official Documents.”
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