Living the Gospel by Sister Mary Franz, OSF

Sr Mary Franz“To me, living the Gospel is taking the words of the day’s Gospel and putting into practice throughout the day.  The words are there for us to follow.”


January is Human Trafficking Month

January is Human Trafficking Month.  Following is a Prayer to End Human Trafficking.

God of hope and peace, touch our hearts and energize our efforts in abolishing this crime against humanity so that every victim is freed and every survivor’s life rekindled. You blessed St. Josephine Bakhita of Sudan with mercy and resilience. May her prayers comfort and strengthen the women, men and children who are in search of freedom.

We ask for transformation of heart for those who inflect pain, anguish and grief on our sisters and brothers. Give them compassion, generosity and courage to stand in solidarity with others so that together we heal the hearts and lives of all your people. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, Forever and ever. Amen (Prayer by: the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange.)

Learn more about Human Trafficking by clicking here: humantrafficking


Living the Gospel by Sister Juanita Ujcik, OSF

Whatever you diujcik-juanita-webd for these Least of My Brothers (and Sisters) you do unto me.

This is what “Living the Gospel” means to me.  It’s not big and important things we do for  powerful and well known people. It’s the little things we do for those who are in need, have little support and who least expect good things. I learned long ago that many people do not have positive self-esteem. A kind word, a smile and a thoughtful act are just as important as more complicated and expensive solutions. As an individual, I try to be positive and uplifting to all persons that I meet. You never know when you can bring a little sunshine to someone having a difficult day.

I also believe that when we work together we make strong and positive actions and results. I have joined groups such as Pax Christi, Social Justice Organizations,  The Sisters of St. Francis ARC (Anti-Racism Committee), and other organizations.

St. Francis reached out to all the people he encountered.  You and I can also make a difference for all those we meet.

Peace and All Good!

Sr. Juanita Ujcik

Living the Gospel by Sr. Nadine Koza, OSF

koza-nadine-webThis is what Living the Gospel means to me:

For almost six years now I have ministered as chaplain on the Hematology/Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplants units at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Obviously this is participating in Jesus’ work of healing. But more specifically, while we have made astounding strides in treating cancer over the years, there are sadly, still people whose disease progresses in spite of treatment. As I sit with them and their loved ones the gift I give is the one Mary gave at the foot of Jesus’s cross: “witnessing the suffering.”  And I believe that is redemptive.

Sr. Pauline Schutz, OSF Honored at Parish

On Sunday, September 4, Pauline-sign2016, Sister Pauline Schutz was honored by the parishioners and friends at St. Pius X Parish in Lombard. Sister Pauline spent the past 38 years in service to the St. Pius X parish family. She will move to Our Lady of Angels Retirement Home in Joliet where she will begin a new ministry of prayer and community service along with her Joliet Franciscan Sisters also in residence.


Thought for the Week – 2

Week 2-Aug 29-16

Thought for the Week – 1


Welcome to our Blog

Dolores_Zemont-webFrom Sister Dolores Zemont  OSF,  Joliet Franciscan President

Welcome to our new blog “Living the Gospel.”  In future posts one of our Sisters will share what “living the Gospel” means to her.  We will also post Congregation announcements and upcoming event information.

Living the Gospel is something that each of us does in our own way.  For me, living the Gospel is the formation of my life and fills me up so that each day I can walk out the door and empty myself for God’s people.

As you read how we as Joliet Franciscans live the Gospel, I encourage you to think for a few minutes about how you as one of God’s people bring the Gospel into your life and to the world around you.