How do I know if God is calling me to consecrated life?
Listen to your heart. Is something deep inside you inviting you to something more in life?
Listen to the many ways God speaks to you–not in a voice “out loud,” but in the inner reaches of your mind and heart, in nature, in the events of your life. Do you experience a deep yearning to make God the center of your life?
Listen to the voices of those around you.
Do others see qualities in you that might indicate a call to be about the work of building God’s kingdom here on earth as a woman religious?
The process of listening to your own heart, to God and to the voices of others is called discernment. Discernment is a process of reflection, prayer, conversation and openness. Discernment takes time and energy. But it is through this process that we discover who we are and what God wants us to be. It is most helpful to have a spiritual director as you are moving through a discernment process.
Contact our Vocation Minister, Sister Peqqy Quinn: if we can assist you in your discernment.