Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
Responding to the needs of society, the Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Commission was founded in 2004 as a General Chapter mandate. Each successive Governing Board of the Congregation has chosen to continue the commission as a means to further our commitment to Social Justice.
- Anti-Racism Committee (ARC) provides workshops and information about the issues of racism in our society.
- Bluestem Earth Festival, held in May, is a free event featuring a variety of earth friendly activities such as workshops, eco-conscious exhibits and vendors, entertainment and children’s activities. There are also speakers addressing contemporary social concerns such as human trafficking and water issues. Click here for more earth friendly resources
- Participation in Human Trafficking Joint Franciscan Committee.
- One Heart Project
- JPIC Grants for projects of Sisters and Associates.
- Example: Funded by a JPIC grant, Diane Nilan, Executive Director of Hear Us, an organization dedicated to giving voice and vision to homeless children and families in the United States, produced this film highlighting the number of children who are homeless and the lack of resources available to them. We can all do something to help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=askYMSEQMBM
- Hosting conferences featuring speakers and films focused on Social Justice issues
- Prayer Vigils
- Resource sharing – CD and DVDs, Articles, FAN (Franciscan Action Network)
- Responding to Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) resolutions. https://lcwr.org/
- Responding to Franciscan Federation at franfed.org