eCard (2024/06/02 16:07:06)

Karen, “Thinking of you” is not typically a Happy Birthday greeting, but I believe it is still appropriate. I think a person likes to know that others stopped in their lives and thought of him/her in a special way on their birthday. I have done that today. My hope is that today you receive another encounter of God’s agape love for you. A moment, large or small, that becomes another flower of love from the Lord, adding to the bouquet He already has been gifting you throughout your life. Another experience of being loved by the Source of Love. I was reflecting on the fourth station of the cross — Jesus meets His Mother. I was reminded of our visit to Medjugorje where their love relationship was so present, and I had felt invited into that love between Mary and Jesus. I hope that you enjoy some time in the love of Jesus and Mary today. Happy Birthday! Peace, Bud